Cash Sweepstakes
Our online Cash Sweepstakes is back and just like last year, selling “tickets” is as easy as sharing the sweepstakes site’s link with family and friends, and they can enter to win our fabulous cash prizes.
We’ve got fun incentives to reward your ticket sales success!
How it works:
We sell chances to win a percentage of the total cash collected. At the end of the sweepstakes, the first, second and third place winners take home cold, hard cash. The balance of our revenue goes towards important fundraising for our school.
How to get involved:
Enlist the help of your kids to sell tickets and they will be entered to win a weekly contest for top ticket sales! The cash sweepstakes program offers a great way for aunts and uncles, grandparents, friends and neighbors to support your child and our school and gain a chance to win. Annual family commitment: minimum $75 in ticket sales .
Classes: see who can sell the most tickets to win, the highest selling class will win a fun prize!
Families: work your selling magic, and you too may take home some fun prizes!
Key Dates:
- January 16th – Ticket sales open on our sweepstakes site
- February 21st – Ticket sales close
- January 16th – February 17th – Ticket sales prizes will be given away each Friday
- February 25th – winner announced during our auction event