School Board
The St. Theresa School Board is an advisory board that ensures the school is consistent with the policies and procedures set forth by the Diocese of Oakland Department of Catholic Schools. The board is nominated by other school board members and administrators with the blessing and approval of Fr. Bob. Term limits are typically three years.
In addition to the President and Secretary roles, members serve on one of three committees: Finance, Marketing, and Facilities. Each committee is composed of two members with one member serving in a chair role who is responsible for reporting against activities.
The board meets monthly. The meetings are attended by the pastor, principal, and a parent club representative.
We serve on the Board because we care about our children, the Parish, and the community.
2024-2025 School Board Committees
Marketing Committee
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee assists the principal by projecting revenue and expenses throughout the year. The committee makes recommendations regarding various budget scenarios pertaining to enrollment numbers and fixed costs.
The Facilities Committee works closely with both the Principal and the Pastor on the physical changes and repairs necessary to the school campus and grounds. The committee will recommend activities to the Parent Club Board to promote volunteer opportunities to support the school.
The Marketing Committee works closely with the Principal and Director of Admissions on strategic planning in relation to marketing the school. The committee will recommend website updates, social media activity and marketing materials for the school.
Quinn Hennig-Hance – Parliamentarian (Advisory position)
Steve Bond – President
Freddy Peralta – Vice President
Finance Committee
Alicia Ortegon
Freddy Peralta
Warren Strudwick
Vera Young (staff- committee member only)
Tighe Woolridge
(Open Position)
Marketing Committee
Michelle Halligan (staff-committee member only)
Rosa Rodriguez (staff-committee member only)
Joe Rose
Rana Matly
School Representatives
Father Bob McCann (Pastor)
Alicia Ortegon (Principal)
CYO representative
Carlos Palacios
Parent’s Club Representative
Shannon Ciston